There is no negotiating with megalomaniacs. This is the United States line, digging their heels into the Nevada sands as they test two dummy nuclear bombs in the desert.
These two nuclear bombs were reportedly dropped “earlier this month” from the same U.S. B-2 bombers that were flying over to the South China Sea. If this isn’t stick poking – then what is?
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) released this sorry excuse on Oct. 6, for the Nevada dessert exercise:
“The primary objective of flight testing is to obtain reliability, accuracy, and performance data under operationally representative conditions. Such testing is part of the qualification process of current alterations and life extension programs for weapon systems. NNSA scientists and engineers use data from these tests in computer simulations developed by Sandia National Laboratories to evaluate the weapon systems’ reliability and to verify that they are functioning as designed.”
They further stated in the press release how the demonstration on the B61 is a “critical element of the U.S. nuclear triad and the extended deterrent,” according to Brig. Gen. Michael Lutton. But failed to explain who is being deterred.
So much for disarmament programs and the U.S. putting their money where their mouth is…can they truly call themselves the peacekeepers now?
Although it can be argued that Russia, this last fortnight, has acted no better, I don’t recall hearing about dummy testing of nukes in Siberia. The United States has taken this one step further – they are the first to act.
I could be wrong, but my guess is if Russia had, NATO wouldn’t be just building up on the borders of the vast country – unless this is aimed at Kim’s North Korea…but unlikely.
While NATO shores up Poland’s eastern flank – and other states – with more troops and western objectives, Russia moved their own deployment into a Kaliningrad outpost. It has its own 500-700-kilometer radius, leaving Berlin wide open for attack. But it is important to note two things here:
- Russia did the very same thing in 2015 – but for armed forces training. It eventuated into nothing but, well…military training on their own soil. Not really a crime last I looked.
- It is also important to note that this Russian movement occurred on the 9th Oct, three days AFTER the Nevada Dessert tests. Could it be that Russia is preempting the US strikes and not the other way around? Could there actually be something real underlining their paranoia? Is it just paranoia?
What I’m trying to say here is… that it is vitally important to match up the facts and draw your own conclusions. The announcement last week – by the US – that WWIII may be “inevitable,” shortly after their nuclear testing resumed, should never be forgotten over the coming months. Releasing that PR nightmare is akin to a Pandora refusing to return to the box. Was it intentional? Of course it was and corporate media latched onto it like a baby to a pacifier. The question is, why?
It is also very important to note here France’s President Hollande’s comments the other day about Russia, insisting that they are not a threat, but as the Guardian reported, they are seen by the French as a partner.
Russia “has always been open for dialogue [with NATO]”, says Putin’s spokesman, Dimitry Peskov. “Russia is not looking [for an enemy] but it actually sees it happening,” Peskov continued. “When NATO soldiers march along our border and NATO jets fly by, it’s not us who are moving closer to NATO borders.”
Valid point, Peskov. Valid point.
The Cold War has unfortunately thawed. It has, unfortunately encompassed China, as well. China and Russia are known allies. Economically, the west cannot beat China. Military-might will also fail. This is not a war that the United States can win.
Napoleon Bonaparte, who failed in his invasion of Russia, once said, as he perhaps peered in the direction of China… “Let China sleep, for when the Dragon awakes, she will shake the world.”
I wonder how he’d feel knowing that these two great nations have now allied together?
It is time for all nations to take a page from the history book and understand, that in a crisis like this, no one can ever win.
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- WW III on the Horizon: China Orders Citizens to Prepare for People’s War at Sea
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This article (United States Drops 2 Dummy Nuclear Bombs in Nevada last Month) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
this is retarded war-mongering/scaring. stop trying to portray the syrian crisis as a proxy war between the us and russia, you’re affiliated with ghostsec r u not? u know the truth ffs. stop trying to scare people with bullshit.
1st. United States never won any war…
2nd. Noone will survive next ww….
all military superpowers drop VIRTUAL nuclear bombs on a regular base, for exercising.
„Ich bin [mir] nicht sicher, mit welchen Waffen der dritte Weltkrieg ausgetragen wird, aber im vierten Weltkrieg werden sie mit Stöcken und Steinen kämpfen.“
Said Albert Einstein
In english:
“I am not sure, which weapons will be used in WW3, but in WW4 we will fight with sticks and stones.”
Mercedes is building a factory in moscow for 300million…they work already together with russian kamaz and produce trucks. German Army is preparing for an european force, they will step out of NATO, soner or later. France is on their side and the netherlands, also czech, hungary and spain and italy. With italy and france they produce together their weapons. There is a reason germans do not use US jets, US guns…US tanks. And there are already german-french and german-dutch brigades operating.
In the case of a war, a big one cause by the USA, I would not be so sure that europe will be on the side of the USA, either they stay neutral or they will be against. And at last, the majority of germans feel occupated by the USA and that the NSA is spying on the german cacelor and the industry proof that they are right.
A WWIII nuclear war will end all Humanity.
Can we be that stupid ?
Back to the stone age ???
Putin said WW3 is inevitable, not the USA…
No. This had been said by Terminator. 3rd movie.
They just trolling, both USA and Russia. At end, they will drop bombs on middle east. You would see….
The devil has had his hand puppets working for a while on this one. Fucking war pigs..
if you elite want war and a tron world you can do that in mars, not in here or i will terminate you… capiche?? this planet is consisted in nature and natural resources that comes from beings not pieces of shit nor transformed nature… take you toys and weaponry and dildos to mars… and play there… if you die its your fault… no other being has to die… just consider this as a clarification @everyone
I wonder if this has anything to do with the coming elections in the USA ?
The funniest part is they were actually live, but didn’t work. Every munition the U.S. has is a dud IRL.
They have to call for a bureaucrat to get permission before blowing up, HAHA!
Ssssh, Don’t tell America that their nukes have been replaced over the years with low yield munitions and they’re really defenseless.
It looks like a nuke.
It barks like a nuke.
But it doesn’t explode like one.
Hmmm why so serios.
US, RU, GB, CHI testing nuke since they was first dorped.
And they will never stop. Not becaeuse of enemy. In future, Nobody except North Korea want to use tham.