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U.S. Deploys Missile System to S. Korea, Angering Russia and China
By James Holbrooks at theantimedia.org South Korea — On Tuesday, over continued objections from both Russia and China, the first parts of a Terminal High Altitude Area...
BREAKING NEWS: North Korea Launches 4 More Missiles, 3 Land in Japanese Economic Zone,...
UPDATE: Talks are scheduled for Washington on the 8th to discuss increased sanctions against North Korea, military action or resume negotiations. This comes after...
North Korean Nuke Threat May Provoke Another Korean War
Officials are now saying there is a very real risk to renewing the Korean War if Kim Jong-un carries out his latest threat of...
While Americans Fight Over Which Clown to Elect, Russia Deployed Its Largest Fleet Since...
By Claire Bernish at thefreethoughtproject.com Having been subjected to the intellectually insulting shit show of a third and, thankfully, final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump —...
U.S. and its Far Eastern Allies in Panic as North Korea Fires Biggest Bomb
The United States and its allies in the Far East are on high alert. The tension comes after the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North...