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Anonsec Declares Cyberwar on ‘ISIS Puppets’

Yesterday, Anonsec declared cyberwar on the ISIS "puppets" (#opterror4isis). Anonsec hackers will be sharing secret information about ISIS militants on the internet as well...

Despot, Tyrant & A Monster: Saudi King Abdullah’s Creepy Tales

Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, is dead. US President Barack Obama hailed the monarch as ‘a candid leader and man...

FBI Using Information From Anonymous To Help Find US Central Command Hackers

On January 13, just as President Barack Obama was speaking on cyber security, Centcom’s Twitter account and YouTube channel were compromised for 30 minutes...

Julian Assange’s New Book Exposes The Google-Government Partnership

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had an English countryside visit from Google chairman Eric Schmidt in June of 2011. The details of said meeting were described...

Happy Birthday Jeremy Hammond – The American Political Prisoner’s Birthday Gift to the World

Typically the custom for celebrating somebody’s birthday is to give that person gifts, and typically when one thinks of children’s book publishers, they don’t...