Head Image Source: AP – Dozens of world leaders joined more than 3.7 million French citizens marching in Paris on Sunday (11th of Nov 2015) amid high security in an unprecedented tribute to victims of this week’s attacks. President Francois Hollande (right, with Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron) and leaders from Germany, Italy, Israel and Turkey among others, moved off from the central Place de la République (left and centre) ahead of a sea of French and other flags. Giant letters attached to a statue in the square spelt out the word ‘Pourquoi?’ (‘Why?’) and small groups sang the ‘La Marseillaise’ national anthem. Some 2,200 police and soldiers patrolled Paris streets to protect marchers from would-be attackers, with police snipers on rooftops and plain-clothes detectives mingling with the crowd.
The streets of Paris were filled with thousands of people who are supporting the one cause those 17 men died last week; chanting JeSuisAhmed and JeSuisCharile. Diplomats and other Government officials have gathered in Paris to show their respects to the French President François Hollande.
Leading the “unity march” is President François, with thousands of world leaders and people behind him and showing the world that we stand for freedom of speech.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, King and Queen of Jordan along with the Attorney General Eric Holder of the United States have all shown support in this time of grief.
Image Source: Reuters – World Leaders marching with people and showing them their support.
The French President also made the public transportation free this day so that people can gather and show the world the French Unity along with the world leaders. In order to protect the world leaders, around two thousand police officers and soldiers are patrolling the street with sharp shooters on the roof tops of buildings and detectives joining the crowd in civilian dressing. The sewers were searched prior to the start of the unity march and subways and tubes have been locked down that are under the march route all this security because the hunt for a fugitive linked to Paris shootings changed its course and led to a bloody ending.
Image Source: AP – People holding frames of the famous slogan Je Suis Charlie.
Wednesday 7 January 10:30 – Two masked gunmen enter Charlie Hebdo offices, killing 12 people, including the magazine’s editor. Shortly after the attack, the gunmen kill a police officer nearby.
11:00 – Police lose track of the men after they abandon their getaway car and hijack another vehicle. They are later identified as brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi.
Thursday 8 January 08:45 -A lone gunman shoots dead a policewoman and injures a man in the south of Paris. Gunman later identified as Amedy Coulibaly.
10:30 – The Kouachi brothers rob a service station near Villers-Cotterets, in the Aisne region, but disappear again.
Friday 9 January 08:30 – Police exchange gunfire with the Kouachi brothers during a car chase on the National 2 highway northeast of Paris.
10:00 – Police surround the brothers at an industrial building in at Dammartin-en-Goele, 35km (22 miles) from Paris.
12:15 – Coulibaly reappears and takes several people hostage at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris. Heavily-armed police arrive and surround the store.
16:00 – Kouachi brothers come out of the warehouse, firing at police. They are both shot dead.
16:15 – Police storm the kosher supermarket in Paris, killing Coulibaly and rescuing 15 hostages. The bodies of four hostages are recovered
Image Source: AP – People from different walks of life all gathered at Republique square.
The escapee Amedy Coulibaly partner of Hayat Boumediene; is believed to have left France and fled to Syria before the manhunt reached its conclusion.
The French police was able to track the gun used to hold up hostages at the grocery store on Friday. That very same weapon was used in an assault that left the jogger heavily wounded two days prior of the attack.
Coulibaly was killed instantly when the police stormed the store and four hostages were also killed in that attack.
Furthermore, it was announced that the President of the United States has invited world leaders to Washington – 18th of February – for summit on countering violent extremism.
Image Source: AP – Special force helping the French Government maintain order and provide protection.
John Kerry Secretary of the United States paid his respects form India by saying, “No act of terror would halt the march of freedom. We may all come from different walks of life, but we stand together this morning with the people of France, as they march in tribute to the victims of last week’s murderous attack on the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo in Paris. And we stand together not just in anger and outrage, but in solidarity and commitment to the cause of confronting extremism.”
Image Source: Reuters – People can be seen holding different flags of countries and showing their support for freedom of speech.
Before leaving for Paris, France the Israeli Prime Minister told he fellow citizens that he will create a special force that will migrate Jews from France as well as other European Countries in to Israel. He concluded his talk by simply saying, “The state of Israel is not only the place you pray for but it is also your home.”
Image Source: Google Images – A child holds up a sign that reads in French “Je Suis Charlie” (‘I am Charlie’) during the unity rally in Paris
Security is expected to remain tight across the nation for weeks as investigators continue looking for further evidence in these killings; as the two hostage dramas riveted television viewers across the world. For live updates on the march please visit Yahoo News website (http://news.yahoo.com/paris-march-against-extremism-live-report-001352903.html)
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Thing matters is that they’re white and every1 accept white is an animal. If this was America or any other country where white people are majority they would have killed boko fgts
This isnt a riot. There is a difference.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest characterizes the United States administration in a new light, one might think, based on his Monday, January 12, discussion with the press as to the non-attendance of top officials at the unity rally in France. “I think it’s fair to say that we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there.” He added, that “We agree that we should have sent someone with a higher profile.”
According to an article in Time, http://time.com/3664204/paris-charlie-hebdo-barack-obama-march/, “Earnest would not say whether the White House considered sending President Barack Obama or Vice President Joe Biden to attend the event, but said he [Earnest] is sure they would have wanted to attend.”
I curious as to who the “We” is, that are making decisions for the Chief Executive. One gets the feeling that Press Secretary Earnest, himself, is an active participant.
Your lead makes no sense. “The streets of Paris were filled with thousands of people who are supporting the one cause those 17 men died last week” What? What are you even saying? lol
People should learn to laugh at our own silly beliefs. We live once and nobody’s got the right to take that away.
People should learn to laugh at our own silly beliefs. We live once and nobody’s got the right to take that away.