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War Crimes

Iraqi Group Sues the United States Government for War Crimes Committed Against Iraq War...

A bill was recently passed in the United States allowing the families of the September 11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, but this bill...

Teh Weekly News – Episode 1

    At least 50 Native-American tribes and Canadian First Nations have signed a continent-wide treaty alliance against the Alberta Tar Sands’ expansion. The unity is...

Hillary Clinton Suggested Murdering Assange By Drone in 2010 State Department Meeting

By Whitney Webb at trueactivist.com   State Department Sources allege that others present at the meeting first laughed at her suggestion until they realized she was deadly...

Why the World Can’t Rest: The Petrodollar

Gaddafi died trying to get rid of the Petrodollar with the plan to introduce his own gold dinar currency for trading oil. Now China,...

‘A Giant Kill Box’: Death Toll in the Hundreds as Syrian Army Storms Aleppo

(MEE) Syrian government forces pressed their assault on eastern Aleppo on Friday, amid reports of more than 300 people killed in the besieged city, attacks...