Written by: Aaron Nelson at theantimedia.org
A censored video of the Charlie Hebdo shootings is raising serious questions about the recent terror attack in Paris. In the shockingly non-graphic video below, which is meant to show French police officer Ahmed Merabet being shot in the head, you’ll notice there is no blood, gore or graphic violence. Pay attention to the sidewalk to the right of the officer’s head.
This has provided many with a legitimate reason to doubt the official narrative taking shape around attack. We also know that a forth suspect linked to the terror attacks left France days before the event and is now in Syria according to French police. It is also important to note that it has only been a few days since the shootings and a senior police commissioner in charge of the investigation into the Charlie Hebdo shootings has already ended up dead.
What we do know is that this footage suggests the officer was likely not shot in the head by an AK-47 (a 7.62×39mm round), as claimed by the corporate media. I’m not here to tell you this is some sort of hoax, or what will be happening next. I am asking you to watch the video below with an open mind:
Jordi Mir, the man who filmed the shooting while sitting alone in his apartment, now says that he regrets filming and subsequently posting the video to his Facebook account. Mir removed the video from his social media account 15 minutes after posting, but not before someone grabbed the footage from his account and posted it to YouTube. The amateur cameraman called the his decision to share the video on Facebook a “stupid reflex”.
In November Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warned it would be a “grave mistake” for France to recognize a Palestinian state. On Monday French President Hollande asked for Western sanctions on Russia to be lifted. Two days later, Paris was attacked.
It appears that the Paris terror attack has bolstered the European right. Massive protests (over 700,000 today) continue to rage across France, while new support for the more militant anti-immigration policies of the National Front rapidly grows. Remember the American government under George W. Bush?
We’ve been told that these professionally trained terrorists left their identification cards in the getaway car before making an effort to conceal their identity by putting on ski masks. How could they be so careless and so well trained, as the media is reporting, at the same time?
According to Reuters, in 2011 one of the Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects met with al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. You probably recognize this name as the first American to ever be killed by a US drone strike. What you likely missed was that in 2012 the FBI admitted it knew in October of 2002 they knew Anwar al-Awlaki was returning to the US before they detained him and abruptly released al-Awlaki from federal custody.
All of this becomes very interesting after reading an article published by Newsweek a few days ago about the role Saudi Arabia plays in terrorism and the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 commission report.
Million Dollar Question
Why was Anwar al Awlaki a guest at the Pentagon within months of the 9/11 terror attacks?
Due to the obvious fact that the mainstream media outlets will not be showing this footage, please share this information with as many people as possible.
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I don’t know allot about weapons and bullet impacts but I saw the uncensored video and it looked pretty real.
So how do you explain a shot to the head and no blood ? you must be 8 if that looks real to you
Go on youtube and you’ll find hundreds of videos of people being shot without any blood could be seen
It’s called FAKE videos, not everything on the internet is real.
Real life is not a movie nor is a watermelon a human head. This guy has very little working of ballistics or the effects of bullets on flesh. I have head shot many, many animals (well into the thousands) during hunting trips, on culls or just around the farm… None has ever exploded like a watermelon. Most commonly the heart stops instantly and all you get is a small trickle of blood from the fine cappilary veins of the brain as gravity does its thing.
Heart or lung shots are a different issue.
As for the debris that scatters after the shot in front of the victim. Projectiles are expelled on a fast expanding gas… That comes out the front of the barrel and exqualizes with the external pressure as fast as it can… By expanding outwards… kicking up dust and debris on the concrete.
Seriously draw a line along the barrel at the point of ignition and see where that bullet goes.
This video is both false and disrespectful.
Rest in peace Ahmed Merabet.
if the bullet was a regular one, not a hallow point, the hole it made on the way out is pretty small. The brain is a vasculary organ, with a lot of small veins. A lot of brains surgery happens without “much” blood loss. It would take a few seconds for the blood to coma out, that if the hole was not blocked by the parts of the brain it self. There would be material out, of course, but for that to be perceived from that distance, the camera would have to be focused for a litlle more time. And by the way, the rifle looks like a Kalishnikov, not a Ak-47?
With that caliber, we’re talking skulls shattering, let alone ‘material out’.
AK-47: Avtomat(Automatic rifle from Russian) Kalashnikov, made in 1947. Do some research.
Thank for a clarification that should have not been needed in the first place. People these days… Oh and I love how everyone is a ballistics expert all of the sudden. All of you do yourself a favor and read up on the history of the 7.62×39 and what it does at close range. It was designed for knock down power. The guys head did not jolt forward like it should have at that range.
Thats actually the effect you would get from a full metal jacket. I studied a lot of physics and I have a lot of hunting experience. Not claiming anything tho, just dont think its wise to draw any assumptions from this video.
AK-47 = Automat Kalashnicova design 47, an evolution of AK-46.
Got it?
At that range either the full metal jacket or Russian hollow point would be moving too fast to either tumble or expand. They are designed for penetration of heavy clothing, helmets and flack vests.
A 7.6mm bullet is the equivalent of a .30 caliber round. Unlike pistol rounds it is not designed for close range.
For those comparing the human head to a water melon… They are not the same. If they were Gabby Gifford would not have survived.
What are you suggesting then you cunt? That the cop and the terrorists pretending to have a gunfight? fucking moron go get an educated american pig
Possible, false flag attack… In no way am I trying to discredit or disrespect. But between this and the fact that Hayat Boumeddiene was able to escape an area surrounded by police and raid teams is more than a little suspicious if you ask me.
Don’t need to be an ‘educated American pig’ to see that, just have to open your eyes.
Terry, maybe you should do the same you ignorant bastard.
@Ty : Hayat Boumediene escaped 10 days ago.
Hahah! Nice one Ty. formal yet a slap on the face 😉 u r soo right. i fully agree 🙂
No one is saying that, we are saying it’s likely this is another one of those fakes. No need to call him ”FUCKING MORON” No need for curse words, or moron, or calling anyone pig! So become more mature please.
Where do you purchase and educated pig?
Go get an educated? Sound more like you need it prick.
yeah, fuck you Terry
because it does not look like hollywood, it is not real. really.. how stupid can you be, you clearly see the live ammo. straight down… unbelievable. branwashed hollywood kids, go talk to the families.
also in the pics posted later it is not an AK 47 but a CSA Czech Small Arms SA Vz.58 compact
Man they erase it with Photos Shop no Blood should be seen for not adding pain to relatives and also because of publishing rules if the photos are using by the killers organisation …
Guy’s they photos shop the blood erase it not to add paint to the relatives and also they is some rules in some case picture with Blood cannot be publish because the killers organisation can use it also for some kind of sick propaganda or to give more magnitude or use it for provoking more pain to relatives or populations in concern
Obviously, the guy missed his target …… note the dust from pavement, hard to shoot on the run !
You can’t say he missed his target here because of the dust we see? -If you look closely you can see how the air from the gun recoil blows the dust further away from the police officers head which means the bullet still would be able to hit even thought the air from the gun will blow further (around) his head and out to push the dust… Dosen’t take much to see tbh.
He missed the shot . . .
Wow, you just saw he shot the ground. Why did the bullet went next to him ? You can see the dust. Don’ tell me the shot passed right through his head or neck, more reason for wich a lot of blood should have come out.
I see a lot of execution with ak47 and they are similar to this so no doubt its real. Moreover i saw another video after the gunshot and we see that he is dead.
Where exactly do you see executions? Video games? Television? All these do not involve any real people being killed, and are mostly very unrealistic. If you claim you see these IRL, I don’t believe you. (if you are, you’re hanging out with the wrong people)
On Ogrish.TV Bestgore.com Theync.com Surenews.com… do you need more? The Internet is full of this kind of vidoe content.
out of interest ,once youve watched 1 whats the need to watch so many more ??
high velocity was close not a watermelon from 60 ft. High velocity can go through fast and hit sidewalk. Bank robbers leave their ID behind more than you would think. I don’t see a conspiracy yet.
I believe Anonymous has changed the world, mostly for the good. My belief in them is often strengthened by how intelligent they are, how precise and confident they are, and by how many there are. That is why this article confuses me. It lacks confidence. It is poorly written. These two observations make it less believable.
I could not agree more. What is the source of this video? I mean the article states that it is the censored version. Show us the real, unsensored version and until then stop introducing unsupported, unverifiable fantasies or someone might begin to think you’re in cahoots with Fox news network.
thanks man for this post, i was crying why anonymous attack without investigating !
because you are our last hope! now feeling better
No, a AK-47 will not blast a mans head to pieces with a normal bullet. You must use a dum dum bullet to do so.
The dust that get stired up is probably air pressure from the shot or the bulletshell.
A few people around Charlie Hebdo came to the rescue of the officer, when the shooters left, but he was already dead at that moment. I don’t know why people want to blame the government for some sort of conspiracy theory. The Charlie Hebdo incident really wouldn’t have any benefit.
Muslims were attacked after the attack, but I think this is irrelevant, you cannot blame another person for the acts of another person.
The press stood together with free speech.
4 million walked Paris in a peace march with the leaders of the world.
If it had happened in USA I would have thought it to be a conspiracy too, because the US would have invaded Syria for oil or something similar, which was what happened back in 2001. But the governments of Europe had so far no benefit of this attack.
I don’t know if there is conspiracy here, but saying there could be no benefit to some conspirator is, to me at least, reaching. “You cannot blame another person for the acts of another person.” We do it all the time, and this has definitely generated an anti-Muslim fervor, even from some who consider themselves tolerant because it “looks” (looks matter when it comes to global opinion) like a religion is attacking the freedom of the press. Also, the governments of Europe definitely share interests with US, and of course there’s the Israel situation which benefits anytime Muslims are portrayed as freedom hating monsters. Also-also, things are very complicated in Syria right now: You have “good” rebels who are getting barrel bombed by Assad and “supported” by the US. The “bad” rebels, ISIS, who are getting bombed by the US, which makes things strange since we are essentially acting as an ally to Assad. Alls I’m saying is that the motives of Governments, the “benefits” they are after, are not so easy to ascertain from the outside looking in, and are not always solely centered on the acquisition of oil.
Governments as a whole perhaps don’t benefit but certain parties can. Usually hard line right wing parties benefit from such acts. All you have to do is look at what happened in the US after 911 to see how politicians used it to create “The Homeland Security” section of the government. At that time billed as something created to afford better communications between agencies. Now that does sound ok but now they are creating their own police force “Homeland security police.” Governments use anything they can to gain better control. Don’t be surprised when the next elections come you here one group or another using what happened at Charlie as an news blip to push their cause.
“The Charlie Hebdo incident really wouldn’t have any benefit”
Not sure, atm, François Hollande (french president) is one of the worst french president,
“4 million walked Paris in a peace march with the leaders of the world”
There was 4 million people in the streets, I was there and people were not following leards of the world, but they were in a peace march only, leaders came to join the other ones…
This “leaders of the world” are mostly people that are trying to constraint to freedom of expression (because they were walking for freedom of expression) :
_ The king and thez queen from Jordan have closed more than 300 website in one year
_ The turkish Prime Minister arrested 70 journalist
_ Russian, Malian and gabonese leaders (were in Paris) often manipulate press
_ Saudi Arabia (in the Paris march too) gave money and helped Islamist terrorist; On January 9, 2015, Raif Badawi (an activist who created “Liberal Saudi Network” was flogged 50 times before hundreds of spectators in front of a Jeddah mosque, the first in a series of 1,000 lashes to be carried out in over twenty weeks…
So the leaders of the world were not there for freedom of expression…
After What happened in France at charlie Habdo, french governement made a private bill : they will ask to google that french people can’t see “terrorist” website…ok, cool, but there are 2 problems :
1) There is no clear definition of “terrorist website”, so they can block access to some website that are taking a critical look at french governement or other thing they want.
2) There will be a list of this hidden website on the net, so french terrorist could get free bookmark, and “terrorist” people will be able to see this websites on google by using a VPN.
Finaly, I can tell that me and 3, 999, 999 have been screwed up !
Did you not see the “leaders of the world march with the people” picture? It was in fact the leaders of the world march amongst each other and their body guards whilst telling the general population they were marching with the people. There is an air-shot view of this which begs the question why? What do they have to benefit out of this whole situation? What is interesting is that two days after the incident Mr Cameron came out and said he’s going to ban various social media platforms such as Whatsapp and Snapchat because the government “needs to be able to access every message that is sent” followed by the golden line “for the people’s safety”. So then everyone has a little think about it and go yeah I like snapchat… but David wants me to be safe, lets support him because he obviously cares about me. Governments around the world now have a lot more control over the general population, well done to them!
The Pontiac Tribune is not an official on the street decades old publication. In fact its a new ‘grass roots’, on-line mag. http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/267/516/bio.html
It seems possible to me that the bullet could go through without creating much friction, i dont know much about guns but not all gun shots to the head cause immediate bleeding, sometimes it does. and anyway it wouldnt make sense for them to let this guy live but kill the other 12 in paris…. I’m not convinced..
The bullets from an AK-47 are full metal jacket. The author states they are big and powerful and he is wrong. They are small but high velocity and they go RIGHT through flesh without expanding making a small hole in and out. He is trying to set up a conspiracy and fails to make his point unless the reader is truly credulous.
IF it was terrorist attack, why didnt they RPG any of the mass demonstraters, why didnt they grenade the mass of people marching, glorious opportunity to cause more deaths. Seems strange not to do so
they said many times that they don’t hurt civilians so that’s why.
Maybe because they were dead? Or maybe it was because they deployed thousands of police and troops to prevent such an obvious ploy?
You ever see someone get shot in the head?
Blood doesn’t explode from their heads, it comes out fast but not like a tap.
The bullet could have gotten stuck in his head, creating only 1 entry hole and that hole was on top of his head, therefore causing slower bleeding due to gravity.
Camera was not aimed at the officer long enough for blood to stain the street.
If the government was behind this or whatever, I’m sure they would have thought about supplying fake blood for when the officer was supposedly shot.
The officer was shot and killed with an AK-47. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Exactly, When something horrible happens why does everyone always have to jump to conspiracy theories and crazy shit like that. Come on guys there are some fucked up people in the world.
could not agree more
come on anon i have full faith in what you do but i agree with linnea
bullets tumble plenty when they hit skull. no reason to suspect anything at all.
It is really obvious truth will pop out one day.History testifies on conspiracy to make innocent scapegoat. History also bear proof that all those cases mass people were always duped by autocratic regime.
Check out the officers left hand – after he gets shot – looks like a pool of blood is starting to trickle. I could be wrong. Anyways, Interesting observation about the plume of smoke on the sidewalk. hopefully time will tell if this is real or not.
another one who doesn’t know what he says, the worst is that there are people who believe! First he wants to compare the damage of a shot gun from 50 cm away (practically on top of the head, a watermelon i didn’t even know how far it was the shot). In relation og the smoke or comment, we van perfectly see that it is from the shot. For the identity,it was confirmed that it was realy that guy 2 hours after examine the stolen car,with the DNA results taken from hair that was in the cowl.
Ok, here I go… Effectively there is a lot of things in this story that raise a lot of questions (an other affair not related, and finaly related to the Charlie killings etc..) but all of this arguments are bullshits.
The AK is obviously directed on the policeman’s head. The blast of the shot blows the dust everywhere around.
The AK is NOT an AK-47. AK-47 has a supressor (don’t know the real name but I mean the thing at the end of the barrel) that is pretty long and looks like a trumpet. So it is NOT 7,62 caliber. And that means it’s 5,56 cal.
No blood? The head doesn’t expload? A head is really harder than a watermelon.
At this distance, with 5,56 or 7,62 cal., the bullet go straight through the head. Nothing goes out. Search other videos AFTER the attack, when the body has been taken. There is clearly something on the floor.
For the identity cards… This is one of the suspects things I was talking about. But we can think they wanted to be found and die as martyrs.
I am not saying that I got the truth or anything, but I’m just giving another point of view.
The quality of your firearm knowledge is rivaled only by the quality of your logic. The word you are looking for is flash suppressor. Secondly, they are not uniformly applied to ak-47s. There are many types and sizes. Additionally, there are ak-47 clones made by dozens of other countries that may slightly vary from the originals.
Honestly, I’m not surprised you don’t know what you’re talking about; this is the internet, I expect that. But the problem I have is your insane logic. You claim that it can’t be 7.62 because it’s not an AK? And therefore must be a 5.56? Why? AKs are not the only 7.62, and 5.56 is not the only other option anyway.
Please refrain from commenting on things that you clearly know less about than the average 12 year old Call of Duty player.
You sir, speak truth.
All the “experts” are out at the moment…
Full of TV education and the internet to spew it on.
im military. i fired a lot of 7,62mm rounds, the impact is real, what looks like is that he could get shoot on the neck. And for the record, on a certain angle, 1 shoot on head wont spread blood (unfortnatly i witness that in afghanistan…)
C’est n’importe quoi et irrespectueux, très déçu de voir ce genre d’article sur votre site.
Ever hear of a bullet that doesnt have a mushroom effect upon impact? Let me guess, these guys will next be seen in a Sandy Hook victim picture………….
Ever hear of a bullet that doesnt mushroom on impact? Let me guess, these 2 guys will end up in a Sandy Hook victim photo…..
You have seen to many Hollywood movies man. Ofc the head wont splatter. They only do that in hollywood zombie movies. I just saw an pig got shot by an ak-47 at same distance. The pigs heads didnt splatter and no blood occured from the shot. Only after they cut the throat with an knife, blood streams out.
Putting the “conspiracy theory” aside for 1 moment, a poor family man including 12 others have lost their life’s over yet another senseless act no doubt in the name of Alah…how about we all stop bitching back and forward about who’s right and who’s wrong and take a moment to pray for those who have lost someone!
change your website dude…cannot read anything due to your colour schemes!
I have no idea what really happened in that video. My very cursory evaluation of multiple AK-47 ‘headshot’ videos available on line seem to indicate that being shot in the head with an AK-47 does not at all mean the head will explode or matter would fly everywhere.
This video shows a man supposedly shot in the head w/ an AK-47 lying conscious and alert with a bullet wound in his forehead:
the two brothers weren’t part of it either they are just patsies they took the hostages as they thought they may have gotten to speak to the media live on TV so they could tell the world of their innocence but were killed so they could tell anyone anything
Gunshot wounds don’t always look the way they are presented in games/movies, you know?
Have some fucking respect for the family of the man who was killed here instead of analysing the footage of him being murdered. ‘There’s no blood, where’s the blood?’ Listen to yourself. Were the other murders also staged or just the one that was (sadly) caught on film? Pointing an AK47 in the direction of someone’s head at point blank range is almost certainly going to result in that person being killed. Sorry you don’t get to see the blood to prove it. If he had survived everyone would’ve said its a miracle. Instead you’re launching conspiracy theories to the masses of idiots who’ll believe any faint thought against reasonable logic, exactly the reason why so many people form ridiculous thought processes and negative thinking. And questioning the logic of mentally ill people leaving ID cards in the car.. Wow. Maybe start with questioning why they thought it was okay to murder innocent people. I’ll finish in the same way I started – show some respect.
“The Charlie Hebdo incident really wouldn’t have any benefit”
Not sure, atm, François Hollande (french president) is one of the worst french president,
“4 million walked Paris in a peace march with the leaders of the world”
There was 4 million people in the streets, I was there and people were not following leards of the world, but they were in a peace march only, leaders came to join the other ones…
This “leaders of the world” are mostly people that are trying to constraint to freedom of expression (because they were walking for freedom of expression) :
_ The king and thez queen from Jordan have closed more than 300 website in one year
_ The turkish Prime Minister arrested 70 journalist
_ Russian, Malian and gabonese leaders (were in Paris) often manipulate press
_ Saudi Arabia (in the Paris march too) gave money and helped Islamist terrorist; On January 9, 2015, Raif Badawi (an activist who created “Liberal Saudi Network” was flogged 50 times before hundreds of spectators in front of a Jeddah mosque, the first in a series of 1,000 lashes to be carried out in over twenty weeks…
So the leaders of the world were not there for freedom of expression…
After What happened in France at charlie Habdo, french governement made a private bill : they will ask to google that french people can’t see “terrorist” website…ok, cool, but there are 2 problems :
1) There is no clear definition of “terrorist website”, so they can block access to some website that are taking a critical look at french governement or other thing they want.
2) There will be a list of this hidden website on the net, so french terrorist could get free bookmark, and “terrorist” people will be able to see this websites on google by using a VPN.
Finaly, I can tell that me and 3, 999, 999 have been screwed up !
This shit’s real, believe me… The bullet went clean through from close range. You don’t have to be a ballistics expert. You could at least have the decency to not make a big thing of it, but you couldn’t and had to attract attention. You have 0 respect for this man’s life and the serenity and grief of his family by showing this and blowing this out of proportion. You know why people don’t take conspiracy theorists seriously? Because of shit like this.
Fuck you Anonymous, I had some respect for you, even if I don’t always agree with the way you work. Apparently it’s better for media coverage to jump on the “Faces of Death” wagon. Mission accomplished…
I’m trying not to picture a wild-eyed Mel Gibson putting this video together, but just can’t. Get your shit straight.
Bernd Van de Maele (not Anonymous)
LOOK AT IT… you can see the bullet go through him AND THEN hit the sidewalk…
I STUDIED HOW A BULLET PASSES THROUGH THE BODY when i was going to join the military (before i changed my mind an realised i dint want to be a puppet)
SO at point plank range… the bullet has enough power to pass straight through the body and the exit wound is small with a minimal amount of blood…
From further away, the bullet looses power and as it passes through the body does a ‘cartwheel’ motion and exits sideways causing explosive trauma and a large exit wound … like what you see with the watermelon…
FYI, its just the brass tip that is fired out of the gun… the steel part of the bullet is the cartridge containing the gunpowder… STOP IT WITH THIS BULLSHIT PLEASE, IT IS DISRESPECTFUL TO THE VICTMS… and please, if you dont understand forensics, dont try to preach abut shit you do not know… thank you…
1)if he is not dead where is he now?
2)it can be seen clearly that he missed the shot purposeful
3)why the target who has seen two men attacking him did not attempt to escape?
Wow. Ok. So we still have a dead police officer. Or is he in hiding? Obviously not. Why didn’t they show the part where he got shot in the head? Because public TV and sensitivity. ALSO have you ever heard of shock waves and varying degrees of material density? No, I’ll educate you: Cement is more dense than smoke, and therefore will repel it. Gun smoke if accompanied by a shock wave from the bullet being fired. Since the shock wave is not enough to fracture the concrete, it bounces away. Not up. usually bullets and their force bounce away at a 30 degree angle. Which means that the smoke accompanying the shock wave that has bounced away will follow it at that 30 degree angle. The smoke from a gun does not immediately plume out, it takes a while to do so, that’s why the majority of the smoke is seen away from the barrel. ALSO the bullet would have hit the ground before the blood got there, and would have struck the cement causing some dust to erupt from that. Now recall what I said about the 30 degree angle. Also if you were paying as much attention to the smoke as you were to the BLOOD THAT WAS POOLING TO THE RIGHT OF HIS HEAD, you’d know that he was shot in the head. Also look at the coroner’s report. It’s a very bad idea to present evidence without a working theory. Do not come to us telling us that we are being lied to without resenting something else that could have happened. It’s like a biologist coming to us with ‘evidence’ that our idea of evolution is wrong, but not providing us with a theory on what it might instead be. What I think you are implying is that they want to go to war, but that makes no sense politically or economically.
Sounds like another terror scare to bring about an excuse to do something.. no dumb fuck leaves identification behind. 911- alleged terrorist passports were found in the rubble. Pretty impossible considering it was “stated” that the titanium plane turbines incinerated on impact (complete bullshit.) How do passports manage to escape the “titanium incinerating flames”? And appear in plain sight for some cock sack to find. Plus the fact that no attack was reported on even occuring on building 7 yet that also somehow manages to collapse? Thats herendous. It Had to be showcased. The real terrorist are the people brain washing millions of people who have been brought up not to think for themselves and to believe everything they’re told. Media has made it to the point where any agenda or message theyre trying to concieve can be concieved quicker due to the fact that people have the ability now days to read it, or watch it on their phone instead of having to wait to get home and see the latest “breaking” news on tv. There for the more information is gathered, people have the ability to share views, opinions and make comments and groups where allot of people have the same idealistic views which creates two sides to an issue/arguement. Once there are to sides to an issue/argument the bad guys have already won because they set us upon a spiraling argument with each other and take eyes off themselves its called divide and conquer. And mother fuckers have been doing it for ages.
Ok so if they did not shoot him, why are there 17 victims?
“I’m not gonna claim I really know what really happened here, but we are being lied to”
Does not make sense. If you don’t know what happened you can’t know you are being lied to or not.
comparing a watermelon to a human head? Lol
So who was that cop that was killed,
they had it all over the news?
so then, why did the victim stop moving if he was not shot? he was playing along too?
was his family playing along as well? with mock tears and a mock funeral??
seems legit :p
also they missed the shot, and then started yelling victoriously? because people who miss their shot all shout in victory yeah?