Apple CEO Tim Cook took just an hour to review and publish the Je Suis Charlie app supporting the Je Suis Charlie (I am Charlie) campaign in its App Store. It usually takes 10 days to get a app reviewed and posted on Apple’s iOS App store; however, in this case the publisher of the app, a French news website Nice-Matin simply mailed Cook requesting an expedited review for the app. Cook’s assistant replied in 10 minutes promising a review within the hour, and the promise was, well, kept.
Apple had earlier showed its support by adding a Je Suis Charlie footer to its French website. Google donated $300,000 to help Charlie Hebdo print one million copies.
The Je Suis Charlie app allows users to show their support by sharing their location on a map. The campaign encourages people to stand up for freedom of speech following the terrorist attack on Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people. As of January 12, there were more than 48,000 supporters from around the world.
However, not many feel that the app is a good idea:
Am I the only one who thinks this iPhone app is a great way to get stalked and murdered for supporting #JeSuisCharlie http://t.co/53kRKwYUAW
— Bill O’Keefe (@DefendWallSt) January 12, 2015
This handy new app allows you to provide homicidal fanatics with your exact location http://t.co/UO3agqKLzC #CharlieHebdo — Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) January 12, 2015
Hope this doesn’t get used for the wrong reasons MT @benlovejoy: “Je Suis Charlie” app approved in 1 hour by Tim Cook http://t.co/qHzgBwfR0h
— Blaine Pike (بلاين) (@blainepike) January 12, 2015
Now there’s a “Je suis Charlie” app, in case you want to see how many people nearby are also Charlie: http://t.co/aOLieXiQSl — Matt Blair (@mjblair) January 12, 2015
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